Your new home is where you’ll make new memories with your family and friends. It’s the place that will hold all the things that bring you joy and more importantly, your loved ones. That’s why ensuring your home is safe and protected should be your first priority when you move in.
A home security system is a network of devices that work together to keep your home and family safe. A typical system comes with a control panel, door and window contacts, and motion detectors. Top security providers also offer fire and water sensors as add-on features.
A home security system lets you check off a number of safety to-do’s at once, including preventing break-ins, and protecting your home from water and fire damage. However, too often, people put off getting a home security system, leaving themselves and their loved ones vulnerable.
Here are four reasons you should set up a home security system so it’s up and running right when you move in.
1. You’ll know who’s at the door
With a smart video doorbell connected to your home security system, you’ll see who’s at the door without having to open it. Using your control panel or mobile phone, you can tell the visitor you’re not available, or instruct a delivery person to leave a package at the door. You can even do this remotely.
This adds to safety, because you or your kids don’t have to open the door, and by talking through the speaker, you’re giving the signal that you’re home.
A smart video doorbell is convenient when you’re on vacation or away at work, as well. When you see your cleaner or pet-sitter at your door, you can pass on instructions, as well as remotely unlock your house for them.
2. You can stop break-ins
You can sleep comfortably knowing your smart security system is monitoring all points of entry. With motion detectors, as well as sensors that set off an alarm if an intruder attempts to open a door or window, your house will be fully protected. Your provider will send first responders right away in the event of a break-in.
The best part is that the presence of a security system itself deters break-ins from happening in the first place. In one study from the University of North Carolina, researchers interviewed more than 400 people who were in jail due to previous break and entries. Only 13% said they would continue a break and entry if they noticed an alarm system.
3. You can protect your home from water and fire damage
Security systems don’t just prevent intruders; they also protect your house from water leaks, frozen pipes and fire. A smoke and temperature variations detector detects fire earlier than regular smoke detectors, by sensing heat from a fire that may be smoldering in a wall, for instance. This early detection system will mean firefighting personnel will be on the scene earlier, greatly reducing the damage to your home and your cherished belongings.
Most importantly, by detecting fire earlier, your smoke and heat detectors will ensure you and your loved ones all get out safely in the event of a fire.
Another major advantage of a smart smoke and temperature detector is that it protects your home even when you’re away. You’ll be notified remotely via your mobile phone of any unexpected drop or rise in temperature.
In the case of a drop in temperature, you can have a neighbour or technician investigate the issue to prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting while you’re away. In the case of a possible fire, you can send firefighters to investigate, potentially saving your home from damage.
You can also prevent water damage by installing water leak detectors in areas at high risk of water leaks, such as near the dishwasher and laundry machine. As soon as a leak is detected, you’ll be notified so you can turn off your water and prevent water damage that can cost thousands of dollars to repair.
4. You’ll pay lower home insurance fees
A home security system can significantly lower your home insurance premiums, taking anywhere from 10% to 25% off your fee. But to ensure you get these discounts, it’s important to get your security system running at the same time as you start paying for your new home insurance policy.
By saving on your home insurance, dramatically reducing your risk of theft, as well as fire or water damage, your home security system can more than pay for itself.
Plan to have your system installed before you move in, or do it yourself
Many home security systems are easy to set up yourself, but you may prefer to have it done for you. If possible, we suggest having the installer come a day or two before you move in. That way, you won’t have to move any furniture or boxes around, giving the technician plenty of room to install the necessary security equipment throughout the house. Plus, you will have the peace of mind of knowing your home is protected from the first night.
You may choose a home security system that you can install on your own, so you can set up the system at a time that’s most convenient for you.
Three things to look for in a home security system
Not all security systems are created equal. Here are the three things you should look for in a home security system.
1. Communication type
Security alarm systems either use a home’s landline, the Internet, or a cellular communicator to send their signals to the monitoring centre. Although the home’s landline is relatively stable and very common, using the Internet as a communication type allows you the possibility to remotely control your security devices from your smartphone. It gives you more flexibility over what type of alarm and home automation devices you can use.
The most secure communication solution includes a cellular backup, which means that if your primary communication method ever fails, your alarm signals are automatically routed onto the cellular network without a break in transmission. Cellular communication is also nearly impossible to sabotage, as there are no physical power lines to cut.
2. Adaptability
Perhaps you want to start with a basic alarm system. However, as your needs evolve over the years, you might want to add a video doorbell, smart water leak detector, or remotely monitored temperature sensor. Find out what the process would be for adding additional devices in the future. You’ll want to know that future add-ons can be simply connected to your existing system, so you won’t have to go through the hassle and cost of upgrading your entire system.
3. 24/7 Monitoring
Security alarms can be self-monitored—meaning, you get a notification on your phone in the event a door or motion sensor goes off, for example. Or, your entry points and motion sensors can be watched over by a 24/7 staffed monitoring centre. We suggest you choose a system that’s watched over by a staffed monitoring centre.
Why? Because you don’t want an intruder to have an advantage because you’re not paying attention to your phone. In addition, with a professionally monitored system, you’ll know that help is on the way in the case of a fire or carbon monoxide leak, if you’re unable to take action due to fume inhalation, for example. Plus, when you’re enjoying a restful vacation, you’ll want to know security professionals will take appropriate actions in the event an alarm is triggered.
Protecting your new home with GardaWorld Security Systems
GardaWorld Security Systems use state-of-the art wireless technology and offer both professionally installed and guided self-installed solutions. Our security packages range from essential protection against intrusions, to complete home automation packages that include everything from smart devices such as video doorbells and smart water leak detectors, to life safety protection devices that detect the presence of smoke or carbon monoxide.
Plus, our monitoring centre is staffed 24/7 by highly trained professionals, so we’re ready to respond to any home emergency that may arise. With our commitment to quality, reliability, advanced technology and superior customer service, GardaWorld was named one of the best Home Security Systems in Canada by MovingWaldo in 2021.